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  • Writer's pictureAshley Troxell

Your Voice Matters: A Call to Testify in Colorado

Are you feeling fired up about the laws being proposed in our state? Make your voice heard where it really counts - at the Colorado State Capitol!

As engaged citizens, we have the power to shape the legislative process by testifying on bills that matter to us. But let's be real, the thought of public speaking can make even the bravest souls want to hide under a rock. That's why we're here to empower you with all the tools and tips you need to testify like a pro.

With this handy infographic, you'll know exactly how to stay informed on upcoming bills, contact your legislators, engage on social media (#YourVoiceMatters), and prepare your testimony.

Pro tip: keep your testimony short and sweet (2 mins) while making a personal connection with your story.

We've also got you covered with additional resources like the Denver Republican Women's website, the Colorado Union of Taxpayers, and the Colorado Channel. Get ready to testify by watching the Colorado Channel's video of a committee meeting and testimony. 

So, what are you waiting for? Your voice deserves to be heard. Get out there and testify! We'll be cheering you on every step of the way.



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